Module I

Module I is designed to perform laboratory studies of feed and biological samples from farm animals, cell tissues, and microorganisms obtained in Module II. Furthermore, in vivo studies with small animals will be performed under standardized conditions. The research data obtained in both of the main areas of investigation will be used to improve resource efficiency and sustainability in animal production, with particular emphasis on the involvement of the microbiome in the animal. Issues related to animal health and welfare will play a major role.

The scientific infrastructure of this module includes various laboratories for chemical analyses, molecular genetic and microbiological work, cell culture models, and immunological as well as physiological studies. In addition, the large-scale equipment required for this purpose will be placed there. This includes equipment such as mass spectrometers, laser scanning microscopes, extraction robots, and genotyping and expression systems. A separate animal facility with trained staff is available for the small laboratory animals. Offices and seminar rooms for scientific staff and early career researchers are also a central part of this building.